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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin


My artwork was a gift for my mother. I took what colors she wanted into consideration, and set out to try some new things with oil paints, which I don't have a lot of experience in.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin


This piece was inspired by one of my closest friends. He has seen the worst of me but has stayed when no one else did.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Red Hall

My artwork was reflected on The Shining, however, has ghosts and animals. This was shot in the art building hall where there are paintings on the wall. The paintings came out alive haunting the student.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Stripped Sunflower

The art piece I'm choosing to submit is that of a wilted sunflower. I decided to draw a sunflower that had been wilting for a while. I think there's something so beautiful about the imperfect aspects of nature.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

9/11: First-Hand Accounts

I collaged photos and text together using InDesign to create a piece illustrating how the 9/11 attacks affected various people. I wanted to shed light on real people's stories and evoke deep feelings in viewers.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Rabbit vs Dragon

I made this as one of my first art pieces then for my final I decided to animate it for my final. I had to place every single pixel by hand and it took over 2 weeks of nonstop working to finish.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin


This version of Narcissus is forced into self-obsession, constantly being bombarded with her own image and having no choice but to examine herself infinitely. In performing this obsessive self-voyeurism, her sense of identity starts to disappear.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


The art piece I have chosen has been picked because of the mood it creates. The mood it creates is Dark vs.Light which is a constant theme in life.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Long Way Home

As I was walking along this beach in El Salvador the reflection in the water gave me an idea. I let my family continue walking and I let them get far enough so that the reflection would show.

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Creative Writing Paulina Vo-Griffin Creative Writing Paulina Vo-Griffin

The Visitor

My writing process:

1. Make a cup of tea.

2. Stare at my computer

3. Rifle through old documents for ideas.

4. Stare at my computer but in a more productive and focused manor

5. Start typing. It doesn’t have to be good or even relevant. Just start typing.

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Creative Writing Paulina Vo-Griffin Creative Writing Paulina Vo-Griffin

Substance A

I wrote Substance A as an intimate look into relationships broken apart by overdosing, as well as a metaphorical and psychological deep dive into the minds of those who fall victim to the rage of intoxicated partners.

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