Explore Submissions
“Co-Host” is a short film script based around the idea that kids’ shows, when looking back at them, can be kind of creepy. We decided to take that idea and run with it, creating a comedic horror story about the connection between an unwell man, Jack, and his puppet counterpart, Gumble.
You don’t have to come here from next week
There was a festival in Japan called Obon about 2 months ago and all my relatives live in Japan so I got to hear all about it. Obon is a festival that lasts a couple of days where people believe that your ancestors and the deceased spirits come back and visit you.
The piece I am submitting is a story about a dysfunctional family who relies on their pet for comfort instead of helping themselves change for the better. My own dog inspired my writing of this piece just by looking cute.
Happier Than Ever Before
This poem I made is about a correlation with feelings and nature. I've recently had this idea to take the feelings that are strong with our soul, and the natural world we live around and make a connection between the two.
Disney Expectations
I have always been very passionate about my opinions and love expressing them. While doing another assignment for my AP Comp class, I realized that the subject of Disney Princess Movies, which I loved as a child, actually contains hidden messages that could poison growing kids.
Put On a Smile
Put on a Smile is a flash fiction about an unstable TV host that gets stuck in an elevator one night and reflects on his career and the sacrifices that he had to make to get to where he is. This piece took me a while to pin down.
Through my artwork I have highlighted a topic personal to me, the struggles LGBTQ+ Jewish girls face with God and society. When I began to create my poem, I wanted it to have a clear time frame. With this in mind I made the poem with clear progression by using the age of the young girl as a time-frame.
The Visitor
My writing process:
1. Make a cup of tea.
2. Stare at my computer
3. Rifle through old documents for ideas.
4. Stare at my computer but in a more productive and focused manor
5. Start typing. It doesn’t have to be good or even relevant. Just start typing.
We wanted to write a short film about our Creative Writing class by sharing our experiences through humor. “Peers” is really a love letter to our Creative Writing class, and we hope that others find it entertaining as well. The whole process of writing “Peers” was super fun and we’re both proud of our end product.
Out of the Bear Trap, Into the Bear
When making or creating, I think about what I wish to see and do my best to bring it forth.
Substance A
I wrote Substance A as an intimate look into relationships broken apart by overdosing, as well as a metaphorical and psychological deep dive into the minds of those who fall victim to the rage of intoxicated partners.
No One Needs to See It
I wrote this to show how impactful words from loved ones can be, and how long the trauma can last. I write to express myself, and maybe to make others with problems like mine feel less alone.
my pain reeks joy
My process behind this was writing about a marionette doll and how they are being pulled on by strings to move, and I related that to some of my feelings and how there is more beyond the surface of how it seems someone is.