3 Poems

Shrujana R.

  • My artwork is based on what goes through my head while trying to express myself. The first one, Raging Thoughts Lost, is based on how it feels to have too many ideas running through my head. Many times I feel as if I don't act on all my ideas they would just slip away in a flash. Other times I feel as if I can express anything due to the density of my thoughts. My second poem, Struck, is based on what it feels like to be struck by an idea in the middle of the night. I often feel as if my best ideas come either at 2 AM or a minute before my HW assignment is due. And what's even more frustrating is that if I don't write it down right then, it tends to just fly away. My final poem, silent dreams, is based on ideas that feel somewhat eerie. Sometimes when you think of it, it just sticks to you; it's fascinatingly eerie.

  • To me, creativity means to be able to create a new world in vivid picture. In terms of how your world is conveyed, people tend to move towards different forms. I personally find it easier to speak through words. Using sentences to paint layer after layer is an art I find all too amazing.




Out of the Bear Trap, Into the Bear