We are giving away $100,000 in awards to Bay Area high school creatives!


About CYA

The Creative Youth Awards (CYA) is an annual program founded by BACF to celebrate, cultivate, and inspire creativity in youth and young adults. 

The Awards are an opportunity for San Francisco Bay Area high school students to submit original artworks and performances across a range of creative disciplines, including visual art, film, music, dance, photography, and writing. Since our inaugural 2021 event, over 4,400 Bay Area students have participated in the CYAs earning $288,000 in awards.

CYA Artists are featured in our online Creative Gallery and have the opportunity to receive cash awards, prizes, and expert feedback on their submissions. In addition all qualified artist applicants received a free year membership to MasterClass, the premier online learning platform that streams lessons delivered by recognized masters of their craft.

Submissions are reviewed by a panel of seasoned creative industry leaders who share our dedication to inspiring a new generation of creative talent. The review panels have included Emmy Award-winning composers, distinguished photographers, leading documentary film producers, and Academy Award winning artists from Pixar studios.

The CYA culminates in the Creative Youth Celebration, a ceremony recognizing the achievements of our artists.

2025 Creative Youth Awards

The 2025 Creative Youth Awards are open to all San Francisco Bay Area high school students to submit creative work across seven artistic categories. $100,000 will be awarded to artists this year!

Submissions are now closed - thank you to all who applied!

2025 CYA Categories

    • All original creative writing accepted.

    • Fiction & non-fiction limited to 500 words.

    • Plays and screenplays limited to five pages or five minutes in length.

    • Poems; maximum of 3 poems. Combined word count across all poems must not exceed 500 words total.

    • Written submissions should be submitted as a single consolidated .pdf file.

    • In addition to the required PDF/JPEG file of the written piece, students may submit an additional video file reading or performing the work (ie, spoken word, theater monologues/dialogue, acted screenplays).

    • Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    • All approaches to dance are embraced.

    • Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes.

    • Submissions must be original choreography by submitting/lead student artist.

    • The submitting/lead artist must be the choreographer. The lead artist may or may not be a performer. If there are multiple performers, they can be listed as “Collaborators”. 

    • All performers must  be enrolled in high school (or lower) grades and listed by name as collaborators.

    • Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    • All original approaches to filmmaking, video art or filmed storytelling are accepted.

    • Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes.

    • Permission from all actors or participants who appear must be obtained.

    • Films that include narration or dialog in a language other than English must be subtitled. BACF cannot ensure multilingual review panelists. 

    • Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    • Performance of music not authored by the student. All approaches to music performance are accepted inclusive of singing, instrumental solo or group renditions.

    • Note: the scoring emphasis is on creativity; please consider your personal and creative interpretation of existing material when choosing your submission.

    • Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes.

    • All students in an ensemble or team must be enrolled in high school (or lower) grades and listed by name as “Collaborators”.

    • Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    • All original music accepted, inclusive of song-writing, music composition, and improvisational pieces.

    • Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes.

    • Required to submit an audio file (MP3) or video file of the piece AND a .pdf of score or lyrics.

    • Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    • Original digital or film photography accepted.

    • Multi-image artworks (ie, diptych, triptychs, etc) must be presented as a single image / 1-page file.

    • Required to submit a digital file of the photograph.

    • Original visual art* in all mediums accepted except photographic entries. *Please submit digitally manipulated photos or photo collages to the Photography category.

    • Multi-image artworks (ie, triptychs, product design projects, 3-D pieces, etc) must be presented as a single image / 1-page file.

    • Required to submit a digital file of the artwork.

Awards & Prizes

The Presidential Awards are given at the discretion of the BACF Founder, Dr. Emil Kakkis and the Creative Artist Awards are given at the discretion of BACF Executive Director and BACF Staff.

Over the last 5 years, the Bay Area Creative Foundation has been a proud recipient of the MasterClass Grant, distributing free year-long memberships to all participants.

In addition to the opportunity to receive a cash award, every qualifying artist who submits to the CYAs will receive a free year-long membership to MasterClass and will be included in our online Creative Gallery.

How to Submit

The Creative Youth Awards application period is September 30, 2024 to December 11, 2024.

Awardees will be announced and students will be notified of their award status mid April 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Background & Eligibility

  • The 2025 Creative Youth Awards submissions open on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 12:01am PST and close on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 11:59pm PST.

  • There is NO COST to enter. All operating costs and prizes are covered by the Bay Area Creative Foundation, which is sponsoring the Awards.

  • All students enrolled in a Bay Area high school and primarily residing in one of the following nine San Francisco Bay Area counties are eligible to submit artwork to the CYA: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma. If a student is unhoused or housing insecure, please contact the BACF, cya@bayareacreativefoundation.org

  • Yes! On the application submission, students may select that they are home-schooled. Details in the application.

  • There are no specific age requirements, artists need to be currently enrolled in a San Francisco Bay Area high school.

Entering & Submitting Creative Work

  • Can I submit more than one entry and in different categories?

    • NO, there is a limit of one entry per artist. 

    • A student is allowed to be a “Lead Artist” in only one (1x) entry to the 2025 Creative Youth Awards in a category of their choosing.

    • A student can be listed as a “Collaborator” on more that one entry, as long as that entry is submitted under a different “Lead Artist” (see Group Submission FAQ below)

    • Yes! Artistic collaborations are welcome in the CYA! 

    • Collaborative artwork must be submitted by a “Lead Artist”, who meets the eligibility criteria. Group projects can only be submitted once. All students in the ensemble or team must be enrolled in high school (or lower) grades and listed by name as “Collaborators”

    • In the event that the artwork receives an honor, the “Lead Artist” who submitted the artwork, will be mailed the award check to personally share evenly with the “Collaborators” within the group.

  • To enter the 2025 CYA, go to our Submit Now tab starting September 30, 2024. The details on how to submit for each category are explained on the submission website page with the entry form.

    Video tutorials for how to apply with our online submissions platform will be posted after the submission window begins.

  • Submission requirements will be listed in the application portal.

    • No, but we ask all participants to use discretion. We encourage creativity and want students to push the limits with their work, however CYA art should be acceptable for a general viewing audience (see Official Rules).

    • Your Entry must not contain material that BACF deems to promote bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or to promote discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

    • BACF reserves the right to contact the artist, their parents/guardians, school staff, or relevant parties to seek support services for artists if BACF has reason to believe that a submission indicates active self-harm or violence towards others.

    • Content Warnings: BACF asks artists to indicate Content Warnings when submitting artwork with challenging content. If the BACF and Review Panel deem a work to have challenging content, we reserve that right to place a Content Warning on our Creative Gallery.

  • NO. We do not have an equitable system to evaluate AI. Entries using AI will be disqualified.

  • Entries should be created while in high school, and submitted by currently enrolled Bay Area high school students.

  • NO. Work submitted in previous years cannot be submitted again and be eligible for prizes.

  • Yes! Previous CYA artists are encouraged to submit new work to this year’s Awards, if they still fit our participation requirements. Prior recipients of the Presidential Award and Creative Artist Award are ineligible to receive an additional Presidential/Creative Artist Awards, but may submit for other awards.

Arts Reviews & Awards

  • $100,000 of cash awards are available for the 2025 CYAs! All eligible artworks submitted to the CYA will be housed in our online 2025 Creative Gallery. In addition, all qualified entries (up to 2,500) will be awarded a 1-year digital membership subscription to MasterClass.

  • No. Students are only allowed to enter once into the 2025 Creative Youth Awards and are therefore eligible to receive only one award. If a student is a “Collaborator” in an awarded group submission, please see the Group Submission FAQ.

  • Yes. Eligible students who enter in multiple years may continue to receive awards and prizes for their NEW work in following years.

    Note: Prior recipients of the Presidential Award and Creative Artist Award are ineligible to receive additional Presidential/Creative Artist Awards, but may submit for other awards.

  • Each work is carefully reviewed by discipline-specific panels of arts professionals who evaluate the submissions using a point-scale with established criteria. During the review process, student names are hidden (for unbiased blind-review by panelists). The panelists’ scores are added and averaged to determine award ranking.

  • Firstly, your personal expression of creativity! Reviewers look to rate submissions based on: 

    • Originality & Concept

    • Expressive Impact & Communication

    • Technique & Execution 

    • and overall Creative Synthesis

    • Awardees will be notified directly by the BACF via the contact email submitted by the applicant in their Award Force submission. Notifications will be sent by email mid April 2025. Follow email updates from the BACF or keep track of CYA announcements on our social media channels. 

    • Please ensure you use an email in your submission that you have access to year-round, not just while in school.

    • Students who receive a CYA award will be mailed an Awards Packet that includes a check for their prize. 

    • It is important the student fills out their CYA submission correctly with their contact information so the award is mailed to the correct address. Award checks expire after 90-days from the date of issue. 

    • Students who do not have their own personal banking account may cash award checks with their legal guardian. Please check with your guardian’s bank for details.

  • All artworks will be hosted on the Bay Area Creative Foundation’s online Creative Gallery.

    Artwork may also be used at the annual Creative Youth Celebration and/or for BACF marketing purposes (see Official Rules below).

  • Yes, absolutely. Artists maintain the rights to their work but allow the Bay Area Creative Foundation to host the artwork on our online Creative Gallery and to use in BACF marketing or promotion (see Official Rules below).

  • Students are required to use their legal name when submitting to the Creative Youth Awards, but can list a preferred name if desired. Students' names will be listed publicly as First Name and Last Initial. Additionally, students can request to be listed anonymously.


2025 CYA - Official Rules

  • PROMOTION: The Creative Youth Awards (the "2025 CYA") begins on September 30, 2024 at 12:01 a.m. and ends on December 11, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (the "Entry Period"). The sponsor of the 2025 CYA is Bay Area Creative Foundation (“BACF”).  

    WHO MAY ENTER: 2025 CYA is open to high school students both residing in and currently attending school within the following nine counties of the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma. BACF, and its respective parents, creative agencies, subsidiaries, subsidiaries and affiliates and their respective employees, directors, officers, and shareholders (collectively, the “BACF Partners”), and BACF Partner’s immediate families and persons living in their households are not eligible to enter the 2025 CYA. The 2025 CYA shall be staged in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and is void where otherwise prohibited.

    HOW TO ENTER: To enter, go to the Submit Now tab (the “Submission Website”) located in the top right corner of our website navigation, during the Entry Period, and submit your artwork according to the category requirements detailed on the Submission Website. The entry must fulfill all 2025 CYA requirements, as specified, to be eligible to win a prize. Entrants may not submit more than one entry. Entries that are not complete or do not adhere to the Official Rules may be disqualified at the sole discretion of BACF. If an entry was developed by more than one person, only the entrant who submitted the entry into the 2025CYA may be awarded a prize(s). 2025 CYA entrants may not enter more times than indicated by using multiple email addresses, identities or devices in an attempt to circumvent the Official Rules. Use of fraudulent methods or otherwise attempting to circumvent the Official Rules shall be grounds for immediate removal and ineligibility from the 2025 CYA, at the sole discretion of BACF.

    All submissions must be received by the December 11, 2024 deadline. BACF is not responsible for late or unsuccessful attempts to enter. BACF reserves the right to allow for minor fluctuations between the entrant’s timing device and the actual runtime of the submission on the Submission Website, based on clear intent to comply with the Official Rules, as determined in BACF’s sole discretion. The entrant should be able to provide on request all appropriate clearances, permissions and releases for the submission(s), including releases from the submitting entrant and any third parties appearing in the submission. Incomplete, corrupted, untimely or unintelligible entries may be disqualified. If for any reason an entrant’s entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, corrupted or otherwise destroyed, entrant's sole remedy is another entry in the 2025 CYA. BACF reserves the right to determine in its sole discretion which entries have satisfied the entry requirements.

    ODDS OF WINNING: The odds of winning will depend on the number of Qualified Entries received per Submission Category.

    REQUIREMENTS OF ENTRIES: Requirements of Entries: By submitting an Artwork Entry (“Entry”) you agree that it conforms to the guidelines and content restrictions below and that BACF, in its sole discretion, may disqualify your Entry from the 2025 CYA if it believes such Entry fails to conform. Your Entry must comply with the following and by entering you represent, warrant and agree that:

    1) Your Entry is created by you and is not infringing on any other copyrighted work and does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity.

    2) Your Entry must be submitted under your legal name. Double entries submitted under an alias with the intent to mislead the BACF will result in the participant’s disqualification from the 2025 CYA.

    3) Your Entry does not depict any recognizable person for whom you have not received permission to enter such person in the 2025 CYA and does not infringe upon the publicity rights of any third party, and you have received the requisite permission/consent to use the Video/Photo from anyone who has any rights to the Video/Photo.

    4) Your Entry must not disparage the BACF, or any other person or party affiliated with the 2025 CYA, in BACF’s sole discretion.

    5) Your Entry must not contain material that BACF deems to be inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous, or libelous.

    6) Your Entry must not contain material that BACF deems to promote bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or to promote discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

    7) The Entry must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to any applicable laws or regulations.

    By entering, you represent and warrant that your Entry (and BACF’s use thereof) does not and will not defame or otherwise violate the rights of any third party and does not and will not violate any federal, state or local laws, regulations or ordinances. You further represent and warrant that you have secured the requisite consent from any person referenced or appearing in your Entry/ies. To the extent that anyone under the age of eighteen (18) appears in a video, you represent and warrant that the minor's parent or guardian has consented to the minor's appearance in the video and the public display of the video. BACF reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any entry that it believes violates any of the Requirements, does not otherwise comply with these Official Rules, or that is not consistent with the spirit and theme of the 2025 CYA. BACF reserves the right to contact the artist, their parents/guardians, school staff, or relevant parties to seek support services for artists if BACF has reason to believe that a submission indicates active self-harm or violence towards others.

    Entrants will retain copyright in their submission, but each entrant grants to BACF and BACF Partners an exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, assignable, royalty-free license to publish, reproduce, distribute, display, modify, perform, create derivative works, transmit and disseminate the submission, and all attachments, in all media or platforms whether now or any and all media, now or hereafter known, worldwide and on the Internet, and in perpetuity, without compensation or additional consents from entrant or any third party and without prior notice, approval or inspection, and to execute specific consent to such use if asked to do so. Entrant also waives any and all moral rights in the submission with respect to any use by BACF or BACF Partners.

    AGREEMENT TO RULES: By participating in the 2025 CYA, you unconditionally accept and agree to comply with and abide by these Official Rules and the decisions of BACF, which shall be final and binding in all respects. The Official Rules may have additional rules located on the “Frequently Asked Questions” page for the 2025 CYA, which supplement or supersede parts of these Official Rules. Any reference in these Official Rules to “Official Rules” with respect to the 2025 CYA shall be deemed to be a reference to these Official Rules and the Frequently Asked Questions for the 2025 CYA, taken as a whole. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these Official Rules and the rules or other information provided on the Frequently Asked Questions, the rules or such other information posted on the Frequently Asked Questions page shall govern. BACF is responsible for the collection, submission or processing of entries and the overall administration of the 2025 CYA. Entrants should look solely to BACF with any questions, comments or problems related to the 2025 CYA. BACF may be reached by email at info@bayareacreativefoundation.org.

    SUBMISSION CATEGORIES: Entrants may submit to one of the following categories:

    (1) Creative Writing: (a) All original creative writing accepted Fiction & non-fiction limited to 500 words. (b) Plays and screenplays limited to five pages or five minutes in length (c) Poems; maximum of 3 poems. Combined word count across all poems must not exceed 500 words total (d) Written submissions should be submitted as a single consolidated .pdf file. (d) In addition to the required PDF/JPEG file of the written piece, students may submit an additional video file reading or performing the work (ie, spoken word, theater monologues/dialogue, acted screenplays) (e) Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    (2) Dance (a) All approaches to dance are embraced (b)Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes (c)Submissions must be original choreography by submitting/lead student artist (d) The submitting/lead artist must be the choreographer (e) The lead artist may or may not be a performer (f) If there are multiple performers, they can be listed as “Collaborators” (g) All performers must  be enrolled in high school (or lower) grades and listed by name as collaborators (h)Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    (3) Film: (a) All original approaches to filmmaking, video art or filmed storytelling are accepted (b) Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes  (c) Permission from all actors or participants who appear must be obtained (d) Films that include narration or dialog in a language other than English must be subtitled (e) Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    (4) Music Performance (a) performance of music not authored by the student (b) All approaches to music performance are accepted inclusive of singing, instrumental solo or group renditions (c)Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes (d) All students in an ensemble or team must be enrolled in high school (or lower) grades and listed by name as “Collaborators” (e) Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file (f) Note: the scoring emphasis is on creativity; please consider your personal and creative interpretation of existing material when choosing submission.

    (5) Original Music: (a) All original music accepted, inclusive of song-writing, music composition, and improvisational pieces (b) Maximum duration is no more than 5 minutes (c) Required to submit an audio file (MP3) or video file of the piece AND a .pdf of score or lyrics (d) Video attachments must be hosted on YouTube as well as being submitted as a video file.

    (6) Photography: original digital or film photography accepted. Multi-image artworks (ie, diptych, triptychs, etc) must be presented as a single image / 1-page file. Required to submit a digital file of the photograph.

    (7) Visual Art (a) Original visual art* in all mediums accepted except photographic entries. *Please submit digitally manipulated photos or photo collages to the Photography category (b) Multi-image artworks (ie, triptychs, product design projects, 3-D pieces, etc) must be presented as a single image / 1-page file (c) Required to submit a digital file of the artwork.

    The 2025 CYA will be open to a maximum of 2500 Qualified Entries total. Upon receipt of the 2500th Qualified Entry, the 2025 CYA will be closed for further entries. 

    JUDGING & WINNER DETERMINATION: A team of qualified judges selected by BACF (the “Judges”), will select from the Qualified Entries (as defined below) per Submission Category based on certain factors determined by BACF, and award $100,000 USD among the following award categories: Superior Award ($500 USD); Exceptional Award ($200); and Special Award ($100). BACF shall also reserve up to $25,000 in bonus awards, including but not limited to the Presidential Award(s) of $1,000 USD each, which shall be awarded at the discretion of BACF. Without limiting the preceding sentence, the judging criteria for the 2025 CYA shall be a points system based on: (1) originality and concept; (2) expressive impact and communication; (3) technique and execution; and (4) overall creative synthesis. The entries must first satisfy the qualification round (the “Qualification Round”) wherein submissions are vetted for meeting submission and formatting guidelines. Upon satisfaction of the Qualification Round, the Qualified Entries with the highest point rankings from the Judges are referred to in these Official Rules as the "Awardees," and will be eligible, subject to the other provisions of these Official Rules, to receive the prize(s) designated for such place of finish in the Official Rules. From the Awardees, the Judges shall select certain entries (the “Awardee Entries”) for special consideration (the “Special Consideration Round”). The Special Consideration Round will include bonus awards and prizes, including the Presidential Award(s). for special consideration (the “Special Consideration Round”). The Special Consideration Round will include bonus awards and prizes, including the Presidential Award(s). In the case of a tie, the tie will be broken by an additional judging round (the “Tie Breaker Round”). All decisions of the Judges are final.

    WINNER NOTIFICATION & ANNOUNCEMENT: The potential Prize Winner(s), as determined by the Judges, will be notified by e-mail provided on or about April 15, 2025 and will be required to respond (as directed) to the notification attempt. Prize(s) shall be awarded on or around May 1, 2025. The failure to respond to the notification may result in forfeiture of participation in the 2025 CYA and, in such case, BACF may select an alternate Winner(s) according to the Judges' results. The potential Winner(s) must have agreed to the Affidavit of Eligibility and Liability/Publicity Release (the “Affidavit”) upon submission of their Entry, and any other documents as required by BACF within seven (7) business days of notification. 

    PRIZES: Upon satisfaction of the Qualification Round, each Qualified Entry will be awarded a 1-year digital membership subscription to MasterClass (up to 2500 Entrants total), subject to separate terms and conditions. To accept the MasterClass subscription prize, consent or acceptance by an Entrant’s guardian is required. Based on the number of Qualified Entries received: (i) a certain percentage of Qualified Entries (approximately 60%) will receive a Special Award of $100 USD; a certain percentage of Qualified Entries (approximately 30%) will receive an Exceptional Award of $200 USD; and (iii) a certain percentage of Qualified Entries (approximately 10%) will receive a Superior Award of $500 USD. BACF shall also award up to $25,000 in Bonus Awards, including but not limited to Presidential Award(s) of $1,000 USD. The total approximate retail value or “ARV” of all available prizes in the 2025 CYA: $100,000 USD. 

    The specifics of the prize(s) shall be solely determined by BACF. No cash or other prize substitution is permitted except at BACF’s discretion. All prizes are non-transferable. Any and all prize related expenses, including, without limitation, any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the Prize Winner. BACF does not make any warranties, express or implied, as to the condition, fitness or merchantability of the prizes.

    RIGHTS IN SUBMISSIONS: By participating in the 2025 CYA and submitting entries, you authorize BACF, BACF Partners, and any entities affiliated or in privity with BACF to utilize, for eternity and in any manner they see fit, the submission submitted to BACF, and to make derivative works from such materials solely in connection with the 2025 CYA and BACF’s lawful business purposes (i.e., to create promotional materials). You release BACF and BACF Partners from any and all claims or liability (now known or hereafter arising), including, but not limited to, any claims for defense and/or indemnity, in connection therewith. You agree and acknowledge that participation in the 2025 CYA, including, without limitation, your decision to provide your submission to BACF for purposes of the 2025 CYA, shall not give rise to any confidential, fiduciary, implied-in-fact, implied-in-law, or other special relationship between BACF and you, does not place BACF in a position that is any different from the position held by members of the general public with regard to elements of the your submission, and that the only contracts, express or implied, between BACF and you are as set forth in these Official Rules and the release forms.

    By participating in the 2025 CYA and submitting entries, you hereby grant permission for BACF and BACF Partners to use your name and likeness for the purpose of advertising, trade and promotion without further notice, permission, or compensation in any and all media now known or hereafter developed throughout the universe. Except as required by law or permitted pursuant to these Official Rules, BACF will not share your personal information with any third parties.

    TERMS: BACF reserves the right, in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the 2025 CYA should (in its sole discretion) a virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention, fraud or other causes beyond its control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or proper conduct of the 2025 CYA. In such case, BACF may select the recipients from all eligible entries received. BACF reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any entrant who tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process, the operation of the 2025 CYA or the Submission Website and/or violates these Official Rules. BACF has the right, in its sole discretion, to maintain the integrity of the 2025CYA.

    INDEMNIFICATION; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: By entering, you agree to release and hold BACF and BACF Partners harmless from any liability, injury, loss, litigation, claim or damage of any kind to persons or property, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, arising out of or related to (i) your participation in the 2025 CYA and/or your acceptance, entry submission, possession, use or misuse of any prize or any portion thereof, (ii) the use of your (or any third parties included in your submission(s)) name and likeness for advertising, trade and promotional purposes in any and all media, now or hereafter known, worldwide and on the Internet, and in perpetuity by BACF, without compensation or additional consents from you or any third party and without prior notice, approval or inspection, and to execute specific consent to such use if asked to do so; (iii) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited, to the malfunctioning of any computer, cable, network, hardware or software; (iv) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any transmissions or telephone or Internet service; (v) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the 2025 CYA; (vi) electronic or human error which may occur in the administration of the 2025 CYA or the processing of entries. Under no circumstances will you be permitted to obtain awards for, and you hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, exemplary, indirect, special or consequential damages, or any other damages, whether foreseeable or not and whether based on negligence or otherwise, including attorneys' fees.

    GOVERNING LAW: The 2025 CYA is governed by and subject to the laws of California, and all disputes will be decided in accordance with the laws of the state of California, notwithstanding any provisions concerning choice of law. The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the state courts of California and federal court located with such state and county with respect to any action, dispute, or other matter pertaining to or arising out of this Contest.

    PRIVACY POLICY: By entering the 2025 CYA, you grant BACF permission to share your email address and any other personally identifiable information with the other BACF Partners for the purpose of administration and prize fulfillment. To the extent that BACF publicly discloses a winners list, if any, such winners list will only include a winner’s first name and first initial of last name, unless such winner(s) choose to remain anonymous.

    OFFICIAL RULES: To obtain a copy of these Official Rules, send your request along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to BACF. To the extent applicable, the 2025 CYA shall be in compliance with California Business and Professions Code § 17539.2. 

Review Process

Artwork is carefully reviewed by arts professionals who evaluate submissions using a point-scale with established criteria. Panelists’ scores are averaged to determine awards. Individualized feedback is given to top awardees.

Meet our Review Panels

CYA Review Methodology

  • The mission of the Bay Area Creative Foundation is to promote creative thinking and execution, and so we wanted to make sure our awards were evaluated with a sincere focus on the creative spark and process behind entries into the CYA, rather than on technique or technical skill alone.

    To help us build such a review process, the Bay Area Creative Foundation consulted two experts in the field of Creativity, scholar and author Dr. James C. Kaufman and academic Dr. Hansika Kapoor.

    Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Kapoor have worked together on numerous projects on creativity that range from creativity’s role in meaning-making, establishing the validity of the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale, exploring questions of creativity and morality, and studying applications of creativity in educational settings.

    In advising for the Creative Youth Awards, Kaufman and Kapoor recommended the use of a 6-point rating scale per category, so that objective quantifications can guide BACF’s decisions. Ratings across raters are averaged so that cumulative ratings can be used.

  • James C. Kaufman is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the Neag School of Education at University of Connecticut. He is the author/editor of more than 50 books, including Creativity 101, the Cambridge Handbook of Creativity, and the forthcoming The Creativity Advantage for Cambridge Press. He has published more than 400 papers, including the Four-C Model of Creativity (with Ron Beghetto) and several other theories. Dr. Kaufman’s awards include Mensa’s research award, the Torrance Award from the National Association for Gifted Children, and APA’s Berlyne, Arnheim, and Farnsworth awards. His website is www.jamesckaufman.com and he sporadically tweets @jameskaufman.

    As much as I love research, I also love being able to apply what I have learned to try to give back and help encourage and foster creativity in others. I love BACF’s mission to nurture and support so many facets of the arts in young people. I have been so impressed with everyone I have gotten to meet at BACF!

    My dream was always to be a creative writer of some type. I wrote stories and poems all throughout childhood. I was also active in my high school newspaper and covered sports for some of the local papers. I got to study under and work closely with the great novelist T. Coraghessan Boyle which was an amazing experience. I ultimately decided to pursue psychology but kept writing plays and musicals; many of my short plays have been performed around the world and my musical (Discovering Magenta; music by Michael Bitterman) played New York about six years ago. Ultimately, I have channeled my passion for writing into my books and articles. I am finishing up a book on creativity for musical theatre folks with one of my all-time favorite composers, Dana Rowe. I have been lucky enough to frequently infuse my passions into my work in so many other ways as well, from appearing in a documentary about comic book creators, Independents, teaching classes on the movies, and getting to consult with many of my favorite pop culture companies!

  • Dr. Hansika Kapoor is a Research Author at the Department of Psychology, Monk Prayogshala, a not-for-profit academic research institution based in Mumbai, India. She holds a PhD from IIT, Bombay in the area of dark creativity aka how people get good ideas to do bad things. Her research interests lie in individual differences, socio-moral psychology, and behavioural science. She tweets @hansika_kapoor.

    BACF is an exciting opportunity for me to explore diverse creative works and understand how they are judged and measured. One of the key aspects of creativity science that intrigues me is how we measure it, and BACF’s point-scale review process captures something that I want to examine closely in future research.

    Creativity to me means something that is novel, original, and useful. I don’t actively do it any more in the artistic space, but as a child (and into young adulthood), I would draw caricatures and sketches regularly. For my most recent birthday, I received a blank canvas and art supplies, so I’m curious what I will do with it! I suppose a lot of my creativity has been channeled into the scientific space over the last few years.

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