The Visitor

Sonja W.

  • My writing process:

    1. Make a cup of tea.

    2. Stare at my computer

    3. Rifle through old documents for ideas.

    4. Stare at my computer but in a more productive and focused manor

    5. Start typing. It doesn’t have to be good or even relevant. Just start typing.

    6. Have an idea.

    7. Get a little excited.

    8. Lose track of time

    9. Return a few days later

    10. Sift through the wreckage

    11. Rewrite what needs to be rewritten

    12. Ask for feedback

    13. Grumble about the given feedback

    14. Incorporate the feedback

    15. Submit!

  • Creativity is a means of control and understanding. Pinning the world to paper is my attempt at reflecting a bit of beauty back. There is no satisfaction like it, writing something of which I am proud. For a time, my existentialism evaporates like dew.



