
Sophia D.

  • Through my artwork I have highlighted a topic personal to me, the struggles LGBTQ+ Jewish girls face with God and society. When I began to create my poem, I wanted it to have a clear time frame. With this in mind I made the poem with clear progression by using the age of the young girl as a time-frame. Throughout the poem the struggles the young girl has become more mature, much like in my life. The character I created was a mix of my mother, my grandmother, the Jewish idols I look up to such as Anne Frank, my imagination, and myself. It was important for me to include Hebrew words such as Ima, meaning mother, and Adonai, meaning God. I decided to include them because they represent my heritage and show how though many Jewish women born before me were killed for our heritage but still we stand with our culture and with strength. The ending of the poem explains that though we are women who face restraints, we are stronger than even God himself because of our struggles and tribulations.

  • Creativity means power. I believe that every form of creativity, whether that be in math or creative writing, unifies people and forms a community. This community then has the power to change the world through their art forms.


Put On a Smile


The Visitor