Put On a Smile

Spencer M.

  • Put on a Smile is a flash fiction about an unstable TV host that gets stuck in an elevator one night and reflects on his career and the sacrifices that he had to make to get to where he is. This piece took me a while to pin down. The plot had changed a couple times and the whole idea had changed even more. The idea of a depressed TV personality was always the plan, but the first draft was more of a comedy. The main character, Rudy, was originally a goofy juice judge that went from town to town and judged the juices that the town had created. That idea was quickly scrapped and instead I focused more on Rudy and his mental health. I really like this piece because it is the most character driven piece I have ever written and the character of Rudy is very personal. The journey that he goes on is raw, emotional, but still funny in parts.

  • Creativity means to create something original or even something that has already been done, but done in a way that no one has seen before.


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