Disney Expectations

Stella B.

  • I have always been very passionate about my opinions and love expressing them. While doing another assignment for my AP Comp class, I realized that the subject of Disney Princess Movies, which I loved as a child, actually contains hidden messages that could poison growing kids. It was difficult for me to bash something that I once cared so much about but I believe that this issue is frequently overlooked and should be brought to light. I started this article by gaining an understanding of the different perspectives on this issue, then, gathering my thoughts, I created a strong argument. I wish I could have dove farther into this issue and included other problems with these films but I followed a strict word count.

  • I think creativity is finding something that can easily be overlooked and diving into this subject. Why is it important to life? What can it stand for? These observations allow me to challenge myself on a daily basis and explore my creativity where writing is my main form of expression.


Remember the Truth


Put On a Smile