To Buy A Coffin

Meimi C.

  • This was an idea that came to me when sitting across from a particularly obnoxious gum-chewer. It was an infuriating sound, the same pop as I was trying to focus on my work. Then, it stopped abruptly, and my immediate reaction was that something had happened. I was reminded of Cell Block Tango from Chicago, where Liz kills her husband Bernie for the same annoying habit. I thought, I must write about this, and so I set to work. Needless to say, when bubblegum is chewed, inspiration strikes.

  • Creativity is not only a form of self-expression, but a way to lose myself in my passions for however long I need. It's challenging my mind to explore the impossible, to travel realities and become excited about life. It's pouring every emotion I don't speak into stories, music, drawings, and more.


Piano Growth: Touch The Keys and Fly


Growing Pains