
Shaw M.

  • My artistic process is finding things or scenes that I feel if captured, would produce a wow or mysterious/thoughtful factor. Iā€™m most inspired by my own emotion to create work, and am inspired by the mood of the scene. The art piece I have chosen has been picked because of the mood it creates. The mood it creates is Dark vs.Light which is a constant theme in life. I also picked this picture because it has a slightly mysterious feeling with what the dark form could be in the photo. This photo is also aesthetically pleasing and has good geometry and contrast. This photo gives off almost sci-fi vibes. This is due to the large looming black shape blocking out of the blue sky.

  • Creativity to me means the expression of what you are feeling either at that moment, or what you feel is within your soul. Creativity means the freedom to express what you feel is the truth of a situation or of yourself. Each person expresses their creativity through whatever activity matches them.



