9/11: First-Hand Accounts

Mira C.

  • I collaged photos and text together using InDesign to create a piece illustrating how the 9/11 attacks affected various people. I wanted to shed light on real people's stories and evoke deep feelings in viewers. I spent a lot of time working to make the piece look coherent and not like a bunch of photos and text were thrown on top of each other in a short while. Additionally, I spent time making the text fully fill the grey smoke and I wanted to bring out the most striking phrases within each personal account. Finally, I added the beginning of a NYTimes article published on the day of the attacks on the left side of the piece to add context and a more factual take on the event than the personal accounts in the smoke.

  • Creativity is spontaneity. It's using your imagination and original ideas to produce one-of-a-kind pieces of work. It's not limiting yourself to a box and instead allowing yourself to explore the endless abyss of possibility.


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