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Avoiding Disaster
In November 2022, I found a note in my backpack, signed anonymously, but I knew who it was from.
Native American Pow wow Dancing
The Grass Dance is believed to have originated as a warrior society dance among tribes in the Northern Plains.
Breaking Throughout the Years
I wanted to make a video that capsulated my Journey with breaking (breakdancing) throughout the years.
Loved and Lost
This piece captures the stark contrast between the intimacy of a relationship and the bittersweet absence that follows.
Guided by Breath
My self-choreographed piece, Guided by breath, represents focusing on the present moment through my journey of managing anxiety with breathwork.
Projectile Mind
My piece was originally intended to display my struggle with stress, self image and ambition.
Fool Yourself
This piece, performed in a show at Children’s Creativity Museum, represents an intersection of dance and circus arts, two creative disciplines that have helped me really come out of my shell and show my true colors.