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Through The Grate
I chose this picture because I like the element of uncertainty and curiosity it conveys.
Little Big Jet
Well, it was quite simple really. My photograph is of a toy jet that is made to look as if it were really flying.
Journey Rail
This photo was planned the day before while I was thinking of what was to come in the future.
Rolling Hills
In this image, I tried to capture the beauty and contrasting elements in the different layers of the hills.
Autumnal Orange
I like looking at the beautiful things that I come across on walks or just in nature and try adding on to that instead of making an entire piece of artwork myself.
The Rise Action
"The Rise Action" took place at the Novato High School, Old Gym, this photo showed me how simplicity can sometimes be better, what really stuck with me is the silhouette the bird portrays.
Yellow Jacket
During a rainy day in early December, I ventured out into the community to try to capture the gloomy and eerie mood.
From the Top of the Hill
Walking up the steep hills of San Francisco is one of the few downsides of living in the Bay Area.