From the Top of the Hill

Rylee Quinn R.

  • Walking up the steep hills of San Francisco is one of the few downsides of living in the Bay Area. Between postcards and pictures on Instagram, the famous streets of the city do not seem as intimidating as they do in real life. Whether one lives there or is just exploring the city, swollen feet and cramped legs become a common enemy within just an hour of walking. However, with a little perseverance, reaching the top of the hill is one of the most rewarding experiences ever. From the view so high up—seeing the sidewalk you climbed and the challenge you conquered—the beauty of the bay shines through.

  • As a child, I used to have vivid nightmares about what would come after I took my final breath, but consequently, it drove me to live my life to the fullest. Exploring my creativity became an outlet for filtering and expressing all the beauties and complexities of life I experienced.


Big Red

