
June R.

  • This photo is from a shoot for a project exploring shutter speed in my photography class. I was experimenting with different compositions in the church we were taking pictures in, and had the idea to use the symmetrical organ pipes as an interesting backdrop. Using a slow shutter speed, I had my friend sit on one side of the pipes and then move after half the time had passed to mirror it on the other side. This created a ""ghost"" effect where the camera took photos of both her and the background behind her, then combined it to make my friend look translucent.

    When I create a piece of art, I like having it mean different things to each person who experiences it. To me, this photo represents a lost sense of self and feeling disconnected from reality or who you really are. However, I encourage you to find your own meaning in this photo. That's why art is so beautiful - it can represent lots of different things or emotions and tell many stories. None of these interpretations are wrong, it just depends on your own experiences and point of view.

  • Being creative means being human. Creativity is an outlet to explore my feelings, share them with others, and make sense of the world. Art can be really beautiful and impactful while also conveying emotions and telling stories. Photography, poetry, and music are all ways that I express myself.


Yellow Jacket

