
Nora R.

  • While making my artwork, I was visiting Mendocino, California with some friends on a weekend trip and was able to focus on the story that was being told around me. Being completely detached from internet, social media, and communications back home while living in the woods for a few days was one of the most calming experiences I've ever had. An old, rusty car in the woods with leaves and moss growing on it seemed like a really interesting story that would translate well into a photo, so I also tried to capture the surroundings and the light to give the photo the feeling of being stranded. Despite looking like the car crashed somewhere in the woods, I think the photo feels calm surrounded by trees and fog in an early morning setting, and I really wanted to get this feeling in my photo. Photography, including this photo, has helped me connect even more with the places I visit by helping me to notice little details and leading me to appreciate them more.

  • For me, creativity is a way to focus on something that's interesting and enjoyable rather than stressful. Creativity is my emotions and how I see the world, and I think having the opportunity to be creative has made me a lot less worried and stressed.


Rainy Day


Old Town