Rolling Hills

Amelia R.

  • In this image, I tried to capture the beauty and contrasting elements in the different layers of the hills. Towards the bottom of this image, you can see a man walking at the bottom of the hills on a path. This was another one the elements I really wanted to capture in this photo. I think it adds a lot to the photo by bringing a bit more life to it. This image was taken on 35mm film so as I was capturing this image, I wasn't one hundred percent sure the contrasting hills and colors would show very well in this image, but fortunately, I think the overall concept I was going for ended up turning out very nicely.

  • I’ve always used art as a way to escape into something I really enjoy doing. Having time to explore my creativity has given me many chances to take a step back and forget about any stress I might be having during that time and create pieces of art that I care about passionately.


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Autumnal Orange