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Whispers Between The Storm
Writing poetry is a process that requires finding a balance between sharing personal experience and letting the reader see themselves within the words.
What Yellow tends to be.
I wrote this based on what I feel but can’t express to others in a straightforward manner, a sort of way to cope and constrain myself from my own mind.
Sloped, as if in Prayer
In a break from my ordinary writing routine, I pieced this poem together over months, pulling parts from conversations hidden in shakshouka dishes, from gum stuck under pews I rarely sit on and the grating of Purim noisemakers. It’s a work of intention, even as I partially resisted its creation.
The Giraffe
The Giraffe is a story about growing up, told through the eyes of a freakishly tall giraffe.
Lost In The Woods
This story is about a woman named Lusia who was murdered on her nightly walk.
Like Him,Like Me
This poem is about my trust issues I was and in the end I was right to write this poem When writing this I was unsure now I know that this is what is calling to my soul.
My Hobby’s Origin
This piece shows how stress and people’s attitudes towards someone can push them to the edge.
Only In Passing
Inspired by true experiences, I wrote ”Only In Passing” remembering the day a beloved horse passed away after a long battle with an ignored illness.
Contrasting with the Sun
”Contrasting with the Sun” is the description of my walk as a young lady in life to a young woman in Christ.
The Five Stages of Grief
It’s about the five stages of grief of losing a close family relative.
Psyche’s wake
For as long as I have lived I have adored Greek myth and none captivated my more than that of Psyche and Eros.
God, all I want is safety
I was given a prompt to write this poem, the prompt was to write a request to God, but I didn’t know what to write because I am not religious and I had no requests.
I’m Just a Girl
Writing is so much more than just words on paper. It’s a therapist, of sorts.