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trees on the sunset
When making my art I like to find simple things in the world and put a lens on them.
Scenic Spot
Through this painting, I wanted to portray the serenity and calmness of nature.
Sunday Afternoon
“Sunday Afternoon” is an oil painting that captures me in my room doing some of my favorite activities.
Scissor Tongue
Scissor Tongue inspired by glamorized portraits of young girls with clear skin and bright eyes striking elegant poses to create a self-portrait that contrasted those ideals.
Living Colourfully
Originally these were three different images taken on a digital camera, however, using photoshop, I was able to layer them onto each other to create an entirely new piece.
From the Inside Out
I use art as a creative outlet for the emotional strains of everyday life.
leave a mark v-2
When we talk about legacy, we usually make a big deal out of the fact that no one will remember us when we’re gone.
Summer and Winter
Summer and Winter, is a linoleum artwork inspired by the opposites of the seasons.
Solar Powered
The piece represents my hope for the environment's future: the profitability of renewable energy and the fact that my generation is very focused on preventing climate change.
A Copy, of a Copy, of a Copy
This artwork has an acrylic background and subject with layered stamped ink details.