Explore Submissions
Finger Laces
I’ve always been fascinated by labor and production, especially as it pertains to how much American manufacturing has been exported.
Close Your Eyes
For this piece, I love to capture different components of texture: skin, hair, and fabric.
Butterfly embodies the resilience of lovers in the afterlife, which is inseparable from death and all other forces, incarnating into eternality.
The Pollywog Collection
This is a fashion collection inspired by nature that I designed and constructed
Five Color Stone
For this project I recontextualized an ancient Chinese myth in the context of climate change.
This series of works is called ‘Surveillance’, loosely inspired by the theory 'Panopticon' put forward by philosopher Jeremy Bentham, fiction ‘1984’ by George Orwell, and from my personal experience on the internet.
How have humans manipulated their own stories and changed their own histories?
Harmful Harvest
"Harmful Harvest" is a digital collage that highlights the delicate balance between our need for food and the health of the planet and all its inhabitants.
Community Cube
Interactive art is interesting to me because viewers can make their own unique connections to it.
Let's BeReal
I was inspired to create this painting, titled “Let’s BeReal,” after seeing a particularly silly photo of myself as a toddler wearing fancy sunglasses, which made me reflect on my changing sense of self since childhood.
Kick Rocks!
I made a pair of Jordan 4's out of cardboard and used shoe strings for the laces.
I have been an artistic creator since I was little. It allows me a way to contribute beauty to the world.