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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Autumn Bliss

My work is intended to bring the viewer into the scene, for them to feel present. I attempt to make my photos communicative and relatable, something one could look at and feel connected to.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

the train stop

I started by making this image because I just needed a distraction from what was going on my life at that point, so I called my friend and asked if he wanted to go take some random pictures.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Reflection of colors

This photo has helped me reach some goals like getting the right angle and the perfect lighting all in the same photo. I could not be more proud of myself. I learned that with the right amount of dedication it will lead me to my expectations.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

The Hand

This photo is part of a larger installation of photos highlighting the multi-dimensional stories and identities of women.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


The geyser was still for a second so I walked as close as I could to take the photo and capture the the color in the scene.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


This photo was taken by me when I during leadership retreat I went to with my class and saw the sunset.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Sand Dune Cycle

I knew I had a great photo opportunity in my hands so I took out my 24-70 2.8 and took this photo of one of the guys making a jump over one of the dunes.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Into the Storm

With a card board box, a white blanket, pillow stuffing, and coconut flour he was able to create the image before you. By blowing the flour onto the subject while taking the picture he was able to capture the look of an intense blizzard, even though the whole set was about eight inches tall.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Cinnamon Sunrise

This photo was taken in Crested Butte, Colorado just as the sun rose on to the mountains. The wildflowers on the side of the hill were in bloom.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Lost In The Depths

To create this image and its story, I chose the location based on having been there before and loving how beautiful it is. An area by a creek caught my eye and it looked like an interesting place to capture an image of my subject.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

The Night Observer

I took the picture because when I was looking at my friend walking ahead of my other friends it just looked almost mysterious/ominous and I decided to take a photo of him and the scenery behind him but didn't even really look at it in depth i was just like “thats a cool photo” and just kept on doing what i was doing not thinking of the picture at all.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


When I was on my way back to class I saw the torn purple piece of a skittles wrapper and I noticed that next to it there was a daisy. I would pass that patch of grass all the time and notice the daisy’s but for some reason, the first thing that caught my eye was the piece of garbage.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


This photo was taken at the peak of California’s drought this year. I think it highlights how extreme the drought was as someone could walk on a huge expanse they should half been filled with water.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Homecoming Blues

The photo I am submitting is of my friend and Tomales Football player, Diego C. This was during homecoming as we were building our class floats. During this time we also learned that our homecoming football game was canceled, making everyone a little sad.

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