Homecoming Blues

Marco I.

  • This year I've been getting into photography a lot. It has allowed me to look at the world in multiple different ways and allow me to see the world through other people's perspectives as well. The greatest experience this year for me was being able to record and be the main photographer for our Tomales Football team. It was really an honor being able to capture all the experiences and memories, especially for the seniors, it being their last year. The photo I am submitting is of my friend and Tomales Football player, Diego C. This was during homecoming as we were building our class floats. During this time we also learned that our homecoming football game was canceled, making everyone a little sad. It is a close-up shot of him looking at the camera, which I think really highlighted the mood everyone was feeling that day.

  • Creativity is what defines us as humans. Some people may think Human life is just about survival but creativity tells us a different story. Life is not just about survival, but rather is about invention, creation, and imagination. The more creative we strive to be as humans, the more we grow.




The Lonely Flower