the train stop

Nic G.

  • I started by making this image because I just needed a distraction from what was going on my life at that point, so I called my friend and asked if he wanted to go take some random pictures. We ended up just finding some free bags on the side of the road and we looked inside and we found 2 fake swords and thought it would be a fun idea to use them as a prop in our pictures. So then we just went around and took a bunch of pictures but this one to me just stood out because I know how I felt in that moment and what I was going through so I feel strong emotion coming from that picture and I feel like even if you don't know exactly how I felt It just feels like the picture just gives off a overall feeling that anyone can recognize.

  • To me creativity is how you express yourself there are so many different ways to show creativity but to me it is threw pictures and the feelings that come from them.


Autumn Bliss


Reflection of colors