Lost In The Depths

Marley C.

  • My artistic process includes seeing the world from different perspectives. This lets me create something that I see using my imagination and allows others to see from someone else’s perspective. When creating my images I like for them to have a story. To create this image and its story, I chose the location based on having been there before and loving how beautiful it is. An area by a creek caught my eye and it looked like an interesting place to capture an image of my subject. I had her go down by the water, and placed myself on the ridge across from her. I told her to explore the area and I took a series of pictures from that. As I went through my images from that day, this one stood out to me. I like the way that this image could have so many different stories told from one image depending on the person viewing it. I also enjoyed the contrast that could be found, and how just from turning it upside down and black and white the image had so much meaning that could be found.

  • To me, creativity means using your imagination to create something original and out of the box. To be creative you need to be able to see the world in different ways, and through different perspectives. Creativity is a way to express yourself in a way that is special to you.


Cinnamon Sunrise


Young Spotted Owls