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Path to the Kiss
With my photography, I like to keep a keen eye to my surroundings and look out for a possible opportunity for a photo.
Saphire's Hour
These photos were a way for me to add more of my personality to portraits by using colored lighting and shimmery makeup, and I had a lot of fun planning out the details of the subject's look.
Water Droplets
The idea for this image came to me when I woke up to shoot early one morning, in an attempt to capture the light at dawn.
A Dizzying Dance
This photo was taken at a concert I attended, where the venue was small, dimly lit, and showered in color.
Purple Flower
The purple flower is a color that is often associated with royalty, luxury, and wealth.
Floating Streetlights
After coming back from a casual photo shoot in San Francisco I noticed that the weather outside was my favorite.