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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


For this piece, I wanted to capture the idea of diving into the unknown. I chose to title it "Bird" to portray the ideas of flight and freedom. I wanted to show these ideas because I think it's easy for people to get caught up in planning out their lives instead of living in the moment and going with the flow.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Feline Instinct

The reason I titled this image "Feline Instinct" is because once a cat is in their natural state of a predator searching for its prey their eyes are the most intriguing and interesting to me.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Summer Ending

I decided to capture the tree at a different angle than expected by shooting up in order to capture the beautiful sky. When looking at this photo, the sense of happiness and hope comes to my mind every time I look at it.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Everywhere but calm

My artwork is a way of expressing myself or how I could be feeling one day. If people can see that in the pictures I take then it’s a win. My artwork is something anyone may or may not relate to.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


My photography is a way for me to capture things I find fascinating and to express myself and my interests. My photography often has a gentler vibe; they don't jump out at the viewer, but rather settle into their view.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


With this photograph, I am showing self-love and the subsequent freedom that comes from that. I used myself as a model since my objective was to show self-love, and I thought there would be no better time to show myself some love than in front of my camera.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Crack of Dawn

The sunrise was absolutely beautiful. I took a picture of it quickly but someone was in the middle of the shot and it was blurry, so I tried taking a picture of it in the lightroom app and despite having a person in the photo it was very well captured and I was very happy with what I created.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Graffiti Room

I really love the art in this space and I wanted to capture it in a unique way. I also wanted to use the hole in the wall as a frame for the blue sky and clouds.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Magic Flight

Though the photo was first meant to showcase my friend's style of clothing, it's evolved into more than that, at least in my mind. The freedom of flight, the desire to explore an unknown world, and the curiosity to know who the person is all add to the intrigue. This photo reminds me to take a breath of air and every so often, to let myself feel unchained from responsibility.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Reaching Out

I like trying to create unique art and ignoring the limits of what people would think of as normal, or of what people might expect to see.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


This is a picture of my great grandma, she is 70 years old and has a lot of trouble walking, when I saw her smiling so brightly in my livingroom.

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