Feline Instinct

Johana V.

  • I'm a cat person, and everyone around me knows how much I adore them, especially my cat, President, or pres for short. To achieve a wild atmosphere, I wanted to make my cat feel at peace and in her natural state so to get that feeling in the photo, I brought her outside and waited a few moments for her to settle in. Once I saw that she was comfortable enough and was focused on a bird ahead. Her eyes appeared fierce as if she was ready to pounce, so I rushed to my camera and took the shot. Because of her eye and the environment I created, I wanted this shot to appear both terrifying and captivating to the spectator, almost as if she were ready to attack. The reason I titled this image "Feline Instinct" is because once a cat is in their natural state of a predator searching for its prey their eyes are the most intriguing and interesting to me.

  • Creativity to me means the root of all beauty and fun. It’s human intelligence at its finest and it's my escape from all the chaos. Creativity makes me feel special because every person has their own type of creativity and they can make something unique. I believe that creativity is what we dream it.


Characters in the dark


Summer Ending