
Julia S.

  • For this piece, I wanted to capture the idea of diving into the unknown. I chose to title it "Bird" to portray the ideas of flight and freedom. I wanted to show these ideas because I think it's easy for people to get caught up in planning out their lives instead of living in the moment and going with the flow. It can be restrictive to stick to one plan and think that there's one perfect way that life needs to go. Sometimes, you need to let go of how you think things need to be, and just see where life takes you. It can be scary to let go and dive into the unknown, but the freedom and reward that come along with it are incredibly gratifying. Through my photo, I showed the idea of the unknown through the fog and the road leading into the abyss. I showed the idea of freedom through the person standing with their arms open, accepting the unknown and mystery in front of them. There is a lot of hidden meaning and value behind this image, and as you look closely at the photo, I hope you can find what the photo means to you.

  • To me, creativity means being able to express my thoughts, feelings, and emotions through my artwork. Taking photographs brings me peace and joy and is an outlet for my stress. I love exploring the world around me through my camera and exploring the rolling hills and landscapes of the Bay Area.


The Curious Cat

