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What is Love
A lot of times, love is portrayed in books as something that just happens without effort, something that just falls into your lap and works out.
Times Change
The inspiration for "Times Change" came from a fishbowl discussion in my English class about a book we were reading.
Ashes and Kindling
My portfolio consists of three short pieces that I wrote for my English final that really became closer to a passion project than school work.
Unsigned Unsealed Delivered (I'm Yours)
As an Asian American, I struggled to learn in the classroom about a diversity of Asian and Asian American experiences.
Trans Man's Hymn
I wrote this poem on my 15th birthday, my golden year, a month before I came out to my mother as trans.
Poem Collection
I am given unique perspectives on our human experiences and the way I observe and take in the world around me.
Education:The American Dream or the American Nightmare?
Many times what seems indelibly glorious can be manipulated for ill purposes or eventually devolve into the opposite of its intention.
Differences Make Me Whole
My first poem 'Difference make me whole' is about the racially motivated comments that comes from a society that encourages me to change who I am and how I look.
Naturelle Poems
I don’t really have a artistic process, I just let the words come from my body or things around me.