Times Change

Medhavi J.

  • The inspiration for "Times Change" came from a fishbowl discussion in my English class about a book we were reading. One of the prompts my teacher created for the fishbowl addressed the changes we undergo throughout our lifetime and how that can affect us. It reminded me of the ways I've seen myself and others develop and grow through different stages in our lives. I became nostalgic thinking about the prompt, and began writing down ways I've changed and things that used to be such a big part of my life that I now consider trivial. The more I thought about the past, the more I began to wonder about the future and how I would further change as time goes by. Though not completely based off my personal experiences, "Times Change" describes experiences that many people have had and experiences many people are yet to have.

  • Writing offers an emotional and intellectual conduit for me; it allows me to express my feelings, fears, desires, and opinions unabated. It is also a stress reliever as it liberates my mind and allows me to wander, connecting thoughts to words and emotions.


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