Empty Space

Maeve K.

  • This artwork is about the loss of my cat, Chester. When he disappeared, I felt like my whole world was crumbling around me; reality felt shattered—hence the mirror cracks—and I couldn’t really wrap my head around what was really happening. I was very close to my cat, having a bond with him that I had never felt with any other animal, and when he disappeared, I was desperately trying to hold on to him in any way I can; even if by that point, he was surely a ghost. When creating this artwork, I decided to leave any distinguishable features of Chester out. He’s just a white, cat-shaped glow in my arms— comforting, because he wasn’t there, really, but he was still there. I painted myself seemingly looking directly at the observer, and I wanted to convey that sense of grief and loss in my eyes that people could relate to.

  • Exploring creativity is a way for me to express who I truly am. I use art to find myself, learn more about who I am, and illustrate struggles and moments in my life I want to immortalize. It helps me connect with like-minded, creative people, and makes my family happy when I draw for them.




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