
Dani K.

  • My art is a window into my psyche, and I intend to use that power to help people feel less alone in their hardships. I’ve learned through my personal experience that seeing myself positively represented in any form of media is very impactful.

    The concept of “Growth” makes frequent appearances in my artwork because it complements the precarious balance of structure and change. I represent this through incorporating a botanical motif when painting myself and my experiences. Emotional growth isn’t always a delicate process, it is rather gruesome at times, but I love to capture the calm stills.

    “Detached” is a piece that illustrates the disconnect between my experience of femininity and the way that I “should be.” This painting is one of the first in a series where I explore my personal growth towards self-acceptance of my gender nonconformity.

    I gravitate towards water-based mediums because I enjoy the unpredictability of the flowing paint. Bringing out my subject in many thin layers and intensifying emotion through bold, expressive brush strokes creates a delicate balance between structure and chaotic freedom.

    My art experience isn’t just a hobby, but also means for expression. I struggled to find a voice for a long time, but now, my artwork has the potential to resonate stronger than anything I could say with words.

  • I spent over 6 years developing my artistic voice. Like learning a language, artists need to practice the foundations to be able to express their message through canvas. When verbalizing experience becomes difficult, I use my paintbrush.



