
Mihir K.

  • I love Legos, chess, AI, and video games. My design is intended to show the emergence of generative AI technologies and the evolution of chess, from being a classical board game played with pieces of wood, ivory or marble to a dynamic, blitz style e-sport played online with clicks in rapid succession by both humans and neural network-powered bots. In the words of the legendary chess player François-André Danican Philidor, "pawns are the soul of the game," but while pawns are often mistakenly viewed as being weak and powerless on the chess board, this work reverses that perspective by showing the sentient pawn as the player, not the played.

  • In my creative pursuits, I draw upon my interests in chess, AI, math, and video games to create works that are playful and whimsical. Academic work is primarily analytical in nature, whereas creating is constructionist, intuitive, and unbounded.


Opening Worlds

