A Woman's Pain in the US

Ava N.

  • I created this piece to use my art as activism. Using my voice to inform people about a current event was the inspiration behind how I wanted to artistically bring attention to this topic. The intention behind this piece is to raise awareness about women's rights in the U.S. and make the viewer think about how the situation being observed affects people today. There are two people standing on the country, one laying on her back with a hole in her abdomen, and the other person holding her uterus. This signals that even though the organ is a portion of her body, the other person has control over it. At the same time the upright individual is not even looking in the direction of the person their actions are affecting. Underneath both characters are colored states on different levels. The taller dark red states represent locations where abortions are currently banned or hardest to receive, while lower lighter red states are where there are many restrictions on receiving an abortion. Blue states are easiest to receive an abortion but could also have restrictions. This piece is made with clay, glaze, and thread.

  • I believe exploring and expressing creativity impacts my life positively. It is a way to express myself with no rules and no one telling me how to do something. Creativity is a personal outlet and allows me to use many different medias and techniques to show my interests.


Heart in Hand

