Heart in Hand

Edrees N.

  • title: betrayal

    Medium: Mixed Media - Color pencil, Watercolor background

    This piece is meant to reflect the removal of anguish and suffering. Becoming numb to all of the heartless actions the world throws against a person through the act of removing the heart. The metaphorical cause for all emotion. By removing the heart, all that’s left is a lifeless vessel, numb to all emotion.

    I created this in a time in which I was at my worst. A long period in which I constantly felt as if the world was working around me. I felt betrayed by people close to me and was constantly hurting. I felt that this was the most accurate way to display how I dealt with my emotions at the time. Ripping my emotions out entirely and leaving it in the past.

  • I express my inner thoughts that I keep hidden for the most part through my art. Things I do not typically talk about in normal conversation or to most people. It allows me to release pent up emotions in a therapeutic and healthy way.




A Woman's Pain in the US