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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Bay Area Currency

This piece was a project meant to conceptualize what currency for the Bay Area would look like. My art class had a prompt of designing currency for anything we could think of, and I was inspired by the iconic architecture and symbols that highlight the beauty of our cities.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

You Haunt Me

Art is a coping mechanism for me and I thought this moment in time would be perfect as I am on the path to graduating high school and encountering fresh, admirable people.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Stop Asian Hate

I want to spread awareness about Asian hate, since the beginning of Covid many people have been targeting members of the AAPI community.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin


After moving into our new home in 2011, my family and I started making large felt wall panels to populate the blank and unfamiliar walls. We were inspired by artists like Damien Hirst and Ellsworth Kelly because of their vibrant colors and geometric shapes. With high ceilings, we were able to decorate our home with modern hanging mobiles.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Wizard of Bunny

I was inspired by one of my favorite movies, The Wizard of Oz. The assignment was to create a digital painting on Adobe Photoshop but you had to incorporate a bunny into the theme.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin


I find most breathtaking views to be as such because of their texture (or lack thereof at times), therefore many of my digital piece heavily center around finding and exposing all of the gorgeous intricacies behind many everyday sights.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Penelope’s Shroud

To create this piece I first did a pencil outline, then used pen to shade. However, I used no reference images to create the piece. This drawing was created with the effects of climate change in mind, and is titled Penelope's Shroud.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

The Corporeal Barrier

My project, which I’ve titled “The Corporeal Barrier”, is a showcase of the inexplicable deterrent everyone feels at one time or another. I’ve titled it this because it tries to show that discouraging feeling as if it had a body.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin

Graffiti Beach

"Graffiti Beach" is an acrylic painting on loose canvas. It is 27 by 36 inches. I made this of a pipe covered in graffiti at Fort Funston beach when I was there.

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Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin Visual Art Paulina Vo-Griffin


During my creative process I do not always start off with a set notion of what I will create. I let the creativity flow through me, and take me where it needs to go.

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