Wizard of Bunny

Scarlett C.

  • I was inspired by one of my favorite movies, The Wizard of Oz. The assignment was to create a digital painting on Adobe Photoshop but you had to incorporate a bunny into the theme. I was a little lost at first and had no idea where to even start. I was thinking of different movies/paintings to modify and thats when the idea came to me. I drew the four characters Dorthy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion as bunnies. After that, I added the yellow brick road and Emerald City. I really like how this turned out.

  • To me creativity means how you want to express your thoughts. Being creative is stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something in a new way. I express my creativity by drawing whatever comes to my mind and trying something different.




Flute Concerto, G Major, Mvt. 1 Exposition by W.A. Mozart