Graffiti Beach

Zoe A.

  • "Graffiti Beach" is an acrylic painting on loose canvas. It is 27 by 36 inches. I made this of a pipe covered in graffiti at Fort Funston beach when I was there. I did this in a loose style because of the raw aspect of graffiti. I like this scene as a landscape because there is such a contrast between the manmade, concrete pipe with graffiti, and the beautiful, natural beach and dunes. I also like how the pipe gets closer and busier to the viewer on one side, and the dune becomes more detailed on the other. These two sides (left and right) also have a contrast in their color palette, as one is vibrant, saturated colors, and the other has earthy natural ones. The composition is darker and more detailed at the top and becomes simpler and lighter in the foreground. The sky and pipe are cool colors, while the dune and sand are warm, balancing out the landscape nicely. My process of making this was putting down a yellow wash, then blocking out all the large colors and refining the shadows versus lights. I then added in details and highlighted some bright colors to make the piece pop, especially in the foreground of the pipe. The focal point is the 'JAZM' tag, because the perspective of the pipe and the slope of the hill lead the viewer's eye towards it, and it has a bright color yellow that stands out from the dark greys and muddier colors around it.

  • Creativity means thinking about and executing ideas in a unique way, and communicating your interpretation to others so they understand your process and why you expressed that thing that way. It means taking an individual angle, then connecting your take back to the mainstream, and inspiring others.



