Bay Area Currency

Stella R.

  • This piece was a project meant to conceptualize what currency for the Bay Area would look like. My art class had a prompt of designing currency for anything we could think of, and I was inspired by the iconic architecture and symbols that highlight the beauty of our cities. I digitally manipulated images to mimic what official federal currency looked like, but with my own spin on it. The first one was Berkeley, my home city, which then inspired the other two for Oakland and San Francisco. This work is an expression of love for this area I've lived my whole life in, and I pieced together small details from each of the cities to create three different bills that represent the history and charm of this place.

  • Creativity is essential to the way we communicate our ideas and translate them into artwork. It breathes life into our pieces, and is the most vital part of our artistic voice. As an artist I rely on my creativity for every aspect of my life, even ones that are completely unrelated to making art.


Rainbow Fish Spreads


Lady Lily