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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

The Lonely Road

When I took this photo we had to let my dog out on the side of the road, and I started to take photos of the road, when I thought a photo from the ground might look nice.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

where 2 look where 2 go

Making my art work is what I'm feeling at the moment and what I want others to feel and see. A good image can speak for itself without having to say anything and what I want to do with my pictures.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Urban Decay

Everywhere I go I can always see many different places from thriving, nice neighborhoods to run-down, poor, urban landscapes. So I decided that I wanted to provide some representation to this problem because I scarcely see anything about the issue.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


What my artist process for this photo was, I was walking around campus and I saw the baseball stuck on the nets so I thought it would make a good photo. I used the nets as a border and zoomed into the baseball so you're able to at least see a bit of detail.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin


I found really nice lighting at my house and set up a scene of cups as I thought that it would reflect and interact with the light in a very interesting way.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Watch Me

This piece stands out to me because of the details it captures. As you can see in both of their pupils I adjusted myself so that the lens of my camera was their pupil.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Eye-catching Flowers

After a long day the last thing my mom and I had to do was go food shopping as my mom and I were going shopping for food the first thing I saw, right when I walked through the door I saw these flowers.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Reflected Shadow

My image is a self-portrait. It is meant to show myself in a way that looks alien while the image's literal subject matter is very mundane. It shows that if you look at yourself through a slightly unconventional lens you can see something completely different.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

Empty Void

The bottle cap represents a person in this empty world, damaged with no one around, like in today's world seemingly empty.

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Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin Photography Paulina Vo-Griffin

The Curious Cat

So I took a couple photos as my cat stared off into space and edited just a little bit by cropping it and then putting the saturation up by just a little bit and then it was finished.

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