Urban Decay

Lindsay M.

  • My artwork is an inspiration for everyday problems such as decaying infrastructure, graffiti, and abandoned items. As a young adult, Iā€™m drawn to many different forms of expression, vandalism, and environmental problems. I decided that in my project I would try to combine all these problems into one. Living in the Bay Area can be prosperous, but also depressing. Everywhere I go I can always see many different places from thriving, nice neighborhoods to run-down, poor, urban landscapes. So I decided that I wanted to provide some representation to this problem because I scarcely see anything about the issue. I hope that my artwork can show a different side of the Bay Area that most choose to ignore and to open the eyes of many.

  • Creativity to me is something that anyone can have. It doesn't discriminate or stop you from anything. It is also people's way to express themselves through their own view of the world. Creativity also helps showcase the imaginations of many different cultures, people, and artists.


Get in the damn EVA shinji01

