Eye-catching Flowers

Kayla S.

  • After a long day the last thing my mom and I had to do was go food shopping as my mom and I were going shopping for food the first thing I saw, right when I walked through the door I saw these flowers. And as my mom kept walking to go shop I just paused and then took the photo. They were so bright and pretty, I have always wanted the flowers because of the colors so they caught my eye. What I did was I flipped my phone causing my phone camera to touch the flowers and I took the photo and I really like how it came out.

  • What creativity means to me is how you make things, how you view them. Since it's in your own way that is why I feel it's creative. Creativity is how you express your views and then portray that in some form of art.. Creativity is a form of β€œart” that you express, you and others. Its shown in differ


Wonders Ahead


Reflected Shadow