Refracted Realities

Samantha W.

Wire, Plastic

  • This work explores the nature of truth and how it can shift and transform as it passes through multiple iterations, perceptions and viewpoints. At the bottom of the mobile is an undistorted piece representing the pure, atomic truth, and each subsequent piece is increasingly distorted to demonstrate how the truth can become distorted and tainted by the biases of individuals and the media. The way the mobile warps the colored light suggests the fragmented understanding of the truth that we often possess. By juxtaposing projections of nature and news on the mobile, this piece invites viewers to consider how their perception of truth can be influenced by others.

  • Creativity has been a powerful tool for my self-growth. Through creating, I discovered my inspirations and could see from a different perspective. It connects me with my cultural heritage, and who I am. It's my way to tap into my inner self, what speaks to me, and what motivates me.


Into My Heart


Reflections of Inner Beauty