Into My Heart

Momoko P.

  • Welcome to my world. This is the entrance to my heart. Everything and everyone I hold dear lives here. On a spring day while hiking on Mt. Tamalpais, me and my family walked on a sea view trail with vast rolling hills and occasional forests. The nostalgic scenery reminded me of the landscapes common in the Ghibli studio films that dominated my childhood; the Joe Hisaishi song “One Summer’s Day” playing in my head. As we stepped out of one of the forests along the trail, we were met with an opening to the expansive grasslands and the sea. I instinctively stayed behind my family and framed them with the nature surrounding us. This photo is still one of my most iconic photos so far. I hold many things that are dear in my heart; this expansive world grows everyday, filled with the warmth from my childhood, the seasons of emotions, and even the harsh blizzards of life lessons. Towards the center of this world surround my best friends; some I’ve known since preschool while others I have met through other means. They have always been the stars that would help me through my struggles and our connections are strong, supporting each other hand in hand. At the core of my heart stand my family: my dad, mom, and my little sister. Each with their unique characteristics, we have stuck together through everything, deepening and strengthening our bonds. These are the people that keep my world alive.

  • Through creativity, I have acquired many skills that have helped me to grow as a person, helping me to become more confident, open minded, optimistic, and challenge seeking. Having learned that I can acquire and excel with multiple creative skills, I am sure to cultivate more abilities in the future.


Refuge in History


Refracted Realities