Reflections of Inner Beauty

Betty D.

Oil Painting

  • This artwork explores the varieties of identity and self-exploration. This oil painting captures a young man that is gazing into a mirror, with his masculine features slowly forming into feminine ones. I have had a hard time "fitting in" and trying to be someone who I am not, living in a predominantly white community. "Reflections of Inner Beauty" encourages myself, and others to remember that identity is not confined and can be expressed in many ways. While doing this oil painting, I wanted the audience to capture the outcome of this painting. It is how we perceive ourselves and how the society perceives us.

  • Creativity means to be innovative and expressive. Especially during my art pieces, I enjoy discovering new techniques (incorporating different brush stroke or experimenting with colors). I also add interpretation into my paintings. By being creative, I am tying to engage the audience with the art on a more personal level.


Refracted Realities


Blue Collar