The Pull

Ryan F.

  • My artwork draws inspiration from various aspects of my life. Much of my inspiration is a result of my emotional state. Emotions are incredibly complex, and I believe they deserve to be explored. Exploring feelings like happiness and love make art enjoyable. Feelings of conflict, stress, isolation, and angst are powerful and can often become overwhelming. Emotions can be positive or negative, comforting or detrimental. However, positive and negative emotions are both invaluable for gaining artistic inspiration. By channeling emotions into my artwork, I can process and reflect, gain newfound self-awareness, and create more complex narratives.

    Another source of inspiration for my artwork comes from my perspective on the human experience. In life, we humans experience many things. We experience love and hate, pleasure and pain, and countless other experiences. We all are born, grow old, and eventually pass away. We all go about our lives hoping for the best and seeking happiness. Although we humans are all unique, the human experience is something that everyone shares. I channel my understanding of these experiences into my work to create a compelling and relatable experience.

    Much of my work and my process are rooted in various experimental concepts. From drawing with my eyes closed to painting with bubble wrap, I enjoy trying new things. Experimentation is the best way to break barriers, question the status quo, and make art captivating. I believe that the artistic process can be just as engaging and significant as the artwork itself. To me, art is the liberating freedom to express yourself and have fun. Without experimentation, art and other aspects of life can become mundane.

    Finally, my artistic inspiration derives from life itself. Life is beautiful and scary, at times exciting, other times disappointing. It is full of ups and downs and also full of unknowns. Sometimes when I am doing something simple like brushing my teeth, eating at the dinner table, or doing homework when an idea or random thought or idea comes to me.

    I try to create a wide variety of pieces that aim to explore difficult subject matter and invoke complex emotions. Through my artwork, I sometimes try to confuse, and occasionally I opt to enlighten. Often, my art takes on a whimsical and fun nature. Every once in a while, my work can be a little dystopian. As an artist, I always tend to strive for experimentation and discovery. My art begs to be questioned and seeks to answer.

    When I create, sometimes I put on headphones, play some music, and transition into a meditative state where I imagine a world of my creation. Other times I sit in silence brainstorming various scenarios. Sometimes, I create by working as fast as possible, not giving myself a chance to question my artistic decisions. Other times, I take the time to meticulously pack details into my work. No matter which process I decide to use, I always ask myself if my thoughts, ideas, and emotions are palpable in the end result.

    In the worlds I create, there is freedom. I can convey anything, everything, and nothing. The only rule is to express what is in your heart, what words cannot articulate. Often what we struggle to comprehend can make for the best topics of analysis. Regardless of medium, artistic process, or anything else, my artwork communicates a narrative of my emotions, experiences, and who I am.

  • Creativity allows me to channel my thoughts, emotions, and experiences into something beautiful. Creative expression liberates me in a world where stress and suffering are a part of our lives. Creative expression helps me convey what words cannot communicate, inspire others, and discover who I am.




Longevity, Perseverance, Wisdom