Longevity, Perseverance, Wisdom

Mia F.

  • This piece titled, "Longevity, Perseverance, Wisdom" is a series of three prints that go together. Inspired by my Japanese heritage, I used three animals that symbolize great meaning in not only my life, but also my culture. The tsuru, or crane, represents longevity, the koi fish represents perseverance, and the kyubi no kitsune, or the nine-tailed fox represents wisdom. I felt that these three animals also had a great impact in my life as I am constantly reminded to persevere through hardships, but through these experiences I gain wisdom and strength. I used linocut, a form of print making to make these three animals. I first sketched them on paper, and then transferred them to the linoleum. After transferring the sketches, I carefully carved out what I wanted to keep white. The process of choosing the colors was mainly to keep in accord of my Japanese culture. I chose mainly red inks, but for the koi fish I chose blue to represent the water the koi fish swim upstream in. I also used a wooden lino press to help get an even pressure when printing the linoleum on my paper. I made three copies of each animal, each time resulting in a unique print.

  • Creativity impacts my life as it provides a window to expressing my innermost feelings. My art conveys thoughts and emotions that words sometimes cannot. It also allows others to see into my world and how I perceive the world around me.


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