On the Train

Katherine K.

  • This piece is to portray traveling during Covid. From self quarantine to losing loved ones, this pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health. Many weren’t able to travel to their family during the worst of Covid. Moreover, this deadly pandemic is frightening and filled with anxiety. Most individuals typically prefer comfort inside the walls of their own home rather than risking their health. This correlates to what I felt when traveling on my trip earlier last year. My piece highlights that typically discomforting experience. This was a picture taken by me on a train to Seoul, South Korea. I set a gloomy setting using dark, muted colors and made it seem like a nerve-racking experience.

  • Art brings me happiness and joy in life. This might sound like a generic response, but it is truly a key source of happiness for me. I greatly cherish the feeling of accomplishment when someone receives reassurance after viewing my art.




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