My Chaotic Mind

Max B.

  • My piece is called my chaotic mind - Horse hair and sugar were applied to burning hot clay at peak firing heat (naked raku) the reaction caused a interesting smoke imprint reaction. While I was creating this piece and burning the natural material onto the red hot clay, I could see the sizzling and instant erratic lines being drawn. This perfectly captures how my mind is Collection of strewn about views and new perspectives. Using horse hair and sugar both created two different patterns that helped dictate this notion. while I create art my usual Lee in attentive mine seems to hyper focus in a therapeutic way. I struggle with focusing in my day-to-day life and art is my coping and escape.

  • It helps me focus and take stress away from the burden of the modern world and constant stimulation that entails. Putting all of your focus and effort into one creation relieves the overwhelming attention on my mind.


Dancing Chronomancy


Atonement with Nature