Atonement with Nature

Lillian B.

  • In this oil on linen painting, I sought to depict myself as I truly am, with all my organic and unique features on display. In today's digital age, there is an emphasis on perfection as a requirement for worthiness. I wanted to challenge this notion and celebrate individuality by presenting my unique features in a positive light. This is especially important for those who identify as feminine, who are often held to a higher standard of synthetic and curated perfection. However, the truth is that perfection is impossible to achieve, and just as nature's beauty is often found in its randomness and imperfections, so too can we appreciate the unique beauty of our own forms.

  • Instead of viewing creativity as a skill to be mastered, I have come to see it as a tool for observing the world around me. This has allowed me to step away from the constant stream of media saturation and appreciate a slower pace of life.


My Chaotic Mind

